Saturday, June 25, 2022

Finding your own Personal Learning Network!

Think about those big companies out there. You know, the ones! We know their jingle (da-da-da-dup-da), we know their logo, we know their product. These companies are masters at networking. While we may not have the reach that these multi-billion dollar companies do, we can still expand our collaboration (and improve our pedagogy) with others across the globe. 

The one thing you can count on in this world is change. We've all heard it. We've all resisted it. We've all grown from it. 21st century skills are dynamic. Educators must adapt to stay relevant. Does that mean we toss the baby out with the bathwater? Absolutely not! There are tried and true (might I say, paper and pencil) methods out there that are still the best way to show mastery. There are also lots of new and innovative practices and educational technology that is just waiting to be discovered.

Personal learning networks are key to gaining that knowledge so we can continue to grow and improve our skillset. The implementation of PLC's in the education world was a game changer. Giving teachers time to collaborate, share best practices, review data, and plan lessons with their teaching team has been invaluable. However, this is only the first step. Oh, there's so much more out there, sistah!

We have the ability to create personal learning networks with teaching teams across districts, across states, across countries. Wouldn't it be great to bounce some lesson ideas off of teachers who have implemented ideas you are wanting to develop? How great would it be to problem solve with others who have been where you've been and found solutions that you would never have thought of.

"That sounds great," you say, "but I don't know anyone across the globe!" Oh contraire! It takes only a few strokes of the keyboard to connect with someone through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, blog posts, etc. The list goes on and on. Through a simple search online, it's possible to find other people wanting to connect. You can even google the top most influential teachers and follow them.

Don't let distance stop you. Go out there and find your people! They're just waiting to connect with you.

Finding your own Personal Learning Network!

Think about those big companies out there. You know, the ones! We know their jingle (da-da-da-dup-da), we know their logo, we know their pro...